Dharamshila Cancer Foundation And Research Centre

Launching of Free Cancer Detection Bus 04.02.2020

On 04.02.2020 World Cancer Day, Dharamshila Cancer Foundation And Research Centre launched its air conditioned Cancer Detection Bus. The bus has facilities for checking the four most common easily detectable cancers, at an early stage, i.e. Breast, Cervix, Oral and Prostate Cancer.

Bu is equipped with X-ray machine, Mammography machine and CR System.

The services being offered in the field are

Women Men
  • Thorough Medical Check-up
  • Pap Smear
  • Mammography
  • X-ray chest (if required)
  • Thorough Medical Check-up including examination of Oral Cavity, Digital Rectal examination
  • X-ray chest (if required)

Suspected cases requiring further investigations like ultrasonography/FNAC are referred to our hospitals Dharamshila Narayana Superspeciality Hospital.

The positive cases detected during this cancer detection campaigns are provided subsidized treatment at hospital.

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